Glad I don't believe in climate change (other than natural). We went from about 1972 to 2004 without any "significant" snow. Now we have the earliest recorded snowfall ever. And the year after the last snow, we had Katrina.
Finally, Dollar Bill goes down. Some characterize the New York Times article on the result as blaming whites, but the point is valid. Voter turnout was critical in this district, which was specifically gerrymandered to elect an African-American representative, and whites turned out in greater numbers and likely overwhelmingly supported Cao. Cao will need to establish himself quickly in this district or be vulnerable in times of greater African-American turnout.
The new issue of New Orleans' answer to The Onion is out. I like the story on Abita Brewery's new beers, including Ray Nagin Stagnation Ale, Abita Amber Alert, Bill Jefferson Beholden Golden, and Britney Spears Haze.
I must admit, I forgot much of Hillary Clinton's background, but Quiln Hillyer did not. Shows how messed up politics is that the right can be "happy" about Clinton because her perception now is a centrist while President Elect Obama is (was?) percevied as a leftist.
I'm amazed at how poor the battery life is. iPhone Atlas has this on increasing battery life, particularly after the 2.2 install. I've only tried one suggestion so far, so too soon to see if it helps.
iPhone J.D. is a blog for lawyers using iPhones. Having just acquired an iPhone due to changes in our firm's phone policy making it possible and affordable, I've found the site useful. H/T to Ernie the Attorney.
Leave it to Iowahawk to find the humor in the Mumbai attacks. Every where I turn today, I see the picture of the two year old whose parents were killed, which I won't repost because, having a two year old son myself, I can't stand the pain on his face.
UPDATE: you can donate to a fund for the benefit of the child here.
Somehow, I don't think President-Elect Obama has given much though to how former Louisiana governor Dave Treen staffed his cabinet, but it's a valid point about the dangers of including opponents in the cabinet. Personally, I'm glad to see it because it's comparatively more centrist than expected.